Who is this oboegoddess...???

I am a CA state certified massage therapist, oboist and fiber artist living in Los Angeles, CA. I enjoy sharing my passion for healing, music and crafting with those around me. The website you see here is a work in progress that will develop and grow as I do. Thanks for visiting!

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« Cross Post 1/13/08 | Main | My True Hollywood Story »

There's something I have to tell you...

As if one blog isn't enough...  So, a few months ago, I started a new joint fiber blog with a friend of mine.  Her name is also Jill.  We both like knitting and spinning.  She's a somewhat new member of GLASG and we've benn hanging out a bunch.  There were a few weeks there where we were going back and forth over email discussing our projects and advising each other on techniques, etc...  I have a smidge more experience spinning and she has vastly more experience knitting.  It was really fun, but we thought it might be nice to share our fibery conversing with others, so we started jill&jill.

I'm still kind of unsure, as is Jill B., about how to split up my blogging life between the two sites.  I haven't been all that active here, but I do love this blog.  It was my first one, I really like the way it looks.  It has great support.  The behind the scenes technology is fantastic.  And for all this, I pay a price... literally...every month.  I know, I know there are so many "Free" blog sites out there.  Maybe I'm dumb for paying too much for mine, but I do love it and like I said at the start up, I hope to use this blog and it's untapped, abeit expensive, potential/bells & whistles to become more technologically savvy. 

I was actually hoping to find a way to set up our joint blog through this site since this one supports multiple journals/blogs and try to figure out how to set up a seperate url to point to it, but that made my head hurt.  Maybe I'll write a little note to squarespace support and see what they say...  In the meantime I think what I will do is try a little cross posting for a while, with life stuff here and fiber stuff there.  If anyone out there, besides my mom,  is actually reading this thing, I'm open to suggestions...

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