My True Hollywood Story

So I've started to see these all over town...
Back in April, I was hired to sideline (pretend to play my instrument) for a feature film called "Walk Hard". It was gobs of fun! Based on the way the filming went, I was convinced that I would be carpeting the cutting room floor. I just found out from an inside source who was at the crew screeneing this week, that I actually made it on the big screen! No close ups, but you can definitely see me in the wide shots during the "Black Sheep" scene set in the 60's in the recording studio. I'm also in the background of "Beautiful Ride" where Dewey recieves a Lifetime Achievement Award at the end of the movie, but you may not be able to make me out. (BTW, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam was in that scene. SUPERFUN!) The movie comes out on Dec 25th. I wish I could go out and see it on X-Mas day, but I imagine I'll be occupied with other activities... If you do happen to go see it, keep an eye out for me. It will be a bit of a game of "Where's Waldo?" but fun nonetheless.
I need to put this on the list of things I never in a million years would have seen/done if I hadn't moved to Los Angeles.
Actually I have another thing to add to that particular list (yeah maybe I should really start that list, huh?) The evening I came back from my second Vipassana retreat last month, OG surprised me with last minute tickets to a Beck show at the Echoplex. IT WAS AMAZING. Small room, great sound guy. We got into the space after about 75% of the people were in and we still managed to be about 20 feet away from the stage. (Why didn't I bring my camera?????) Of course Beck was fantastic. His hair is super long now and parted down the middle. He has a new set of bandmates and they had been rehearsing for four days, he said. They did all his hits, lots of old, classic Beck and did it so well. I loved, loved, loved the bass player! Wicked tall guy with huge curly hair and tons of charisma. He sang all the high harmonies beautifully. Beck loves Echo Park, his neighborhood, and seems to do this kind of thing (announce a concert a few hours before just to try out new stuff or rehearse live with new people.) a few times a year. Though this was a bit of a strange way to come out of 10 days of noble silence, I thought it a fitting and warm homecoming.

So, it turns out that the release date for "Walk Hard" is earlier than I thought. I remember all the promos had been saysing "CHRISTMAS!!" but I guess they really meant Dec 21st. I may try to go out and see it before I go home to Boston. That way I'll be able to point myself out more easily to my mom. She's excited ;-)
Reader Comments (1)
Happy New Year! I'm still trying to determine the info regarding MacDougal the Ram's Greyface Dartmoor fleece for you (I've kept it reserved as requested) but it's a bit like pulling teeth with our postal services! My husband has been trying to find out how much it would cost to ship it to you; but I gather Royal Mail will not quote a price to the USA unless they have a postcode ('zip' code?). So if you want to email me with that or leave it on my Blog, we'll see what we can find out. But to give you a rough idea a lady in Dubai asked how much it would cost for a fleece @ 2.5kg weight to be sent to her - & it's between £40-£90 (£ sterling, so will be a fair bit more in $). The reason for the variance in price, is that the freight allocation for aircraft is calculated on space used as well as weight; & MacDougal's fleece is big! So let me know if you want me to find out more for you.
Incidentally, I'm a practising Buddhist & have been doing Vipassana Meditation since the age of 16 (& I'm now 40 - ouch!). Although I mostly practise at home I'm a Committee Member for a Buddhist Monastery of the Thai Forest Tradition here in the UK & when possible, I provide retreat facilities for the monks here on our lovely Ffarm. It's a small world, eh?!
Congratulations on being a 'star of the silver screen', I must watch out for the film when it comes to the UK.