Do I always have to have a title?

Still trying out new blog stuff. I added more stuff to the navigation column on the right and I figured out how to reply to a comment.... that's right! I got my first comment today!!!! Thanks Francesca! I'm not actually sure how she found me, but it felt nice to be noticed by a fellow blogger ;-)
This morning before work I finished my "designer yarn" I ended up carding 11 batts totaling around 5oz. It spun up to 100 yards. I decided not to ply it but keep it as a single... this may seem stupid, but I haven't set the twist on/washed any of the yarns I've spun yet, so I'm a little nervous about it. I have a whole pile of yarn to dunk yet. Maybe it's a chore for this weekend.
So here's a photo of the skein I spun this morning...
It will probably end up as a skinny knit scarf. It may not crochet up very well because I spun it "Z" I've heard/discovered that it helps if singles are spun "s" if you are going to crochet them. We'll see... I'm so knitting impared still that I may end up trying to crochet it anyway, or else giving it away to a knitter with more patience than myself.